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South Dakota Public Utilities Commission

State Capitol 500 E. Capitol
Pierre, SD 57501-5070
Phone: (800) 332-1782
Fax: (605) 773-3809

These are the telecommunications service filings that the Commission has received for the period of: 02/14/97 through 02/20/97

If you need a complete copy of a filing faxed, overnight expressed, or mailed to you, please contact Delaine Kolbo within five days of this filing.

TC97-015 Application by American Telecommunications Systems, Inc. for a Certificate of Authority to operate as a telecommunications company within the state of South Dakota. (Staff: TS/KC)

Applicant is a switchless reseller which intends to offer 1+ direct dialing, 800 toll free, and travel card (no prepaid calling cards) service through the resale of telephone services provided by facilities-based interexchange carriers.

Date Filed: 02/18/97

Intervention Deadline: 03/07/97


TC97-016 On January 18, 1996, the Commission Order Approving Stipulation and Addendum in Docket TC94-121 became effective.

No parties to the action appealed the Order. The Stipulation and Agreement and Addendum allowed for a rate increase to $2.45 for residential basic local exchange service and a price ceiling of $19.35 and an increase of $2.75 for business basic local exchange service with a price ceiling of $38.40. As a part of its order, the Commission directed Staff to review USWC's service quality performance at the end of 12 months following the effective date of the increase. Based upon the Commission's approval of USWC's performance, a proposed second increase may be implemented at the end of 18 months from the first increase. On February 11, 1997, at a regularly scheduled meeting, Commission Staff recommended that the Commission open a docket to review USWC's service quality performance. The Commission has jurisdiction in this matter pursuant to SDCL Chapter 49-31. The Commission unanimously voted to open a docket to review USWC's service quality performance.

Date Filed: 02/20/97

Intervention Deadline: 03/07/97


TC97-017 U S WEST Communications filed to place the loop portion of the Centrex 21 Analog Station Line in its Exchange and Network Services Tariff. Centrex 21 is an offering targeted to small and medium sized businesses which incorporates value added voice features and functions in a standard package. USWC intends to implement this service on March 19, 1997. (Staff: DJ/CH)

Date Filed: 02/20/97

Intervention Deadline: 03/07/97


AT&T filed to introduce two promotions in its Message Telecommunications Service tariff. The 1-800 CALL ATT Promotion No. 1 and the AT&T Queen of Hearts Promotion. Both promotions are effective February 18, 1997.

Date Filed: 02/14/97

WorldCom, Inc. filed to renew its WorldCom Advantage Plus II promotion. The promotion expires July 31, 1997.

Date Filed: 02/14/97

LCI International Telecom Corp. filed to increase the usage rates associated with its Gold, Silver and Travel Cards. The revisions are effective February 19, 1997.

Date Filed: 02/18/97

Touch 1 Communications, Inc. filed to introduce a flat-rate product entitled "Pure and Simple" and to make other text changes. The revisions are effective February 19, 1997.

Date Filed: 02/18/97

CommuniGroup of K.C., Inc. filed to introduce a new service called "BusinessEdge Plus". The tariff is effective February 18, 1997.

Date Filed: 02/18/97

Sprint Communications Company L.P. filed to "introduce $4,000 commitment level for Business Sense; to reduce the dollar increment and price-per-minute for Sprint/Sam's Club Prepaid Calling Cards; to introduce $100 Spree Instant FONCARD; to introduce VisaPhone Calling Card Service and Option Calling Plan; to change the discounts applicable to The Most®, formerly named Option A Calling Plan; to eliminate FONCARD and Directory Assistance calls, including surcharges from being contributory to or eligible to receive The Most discounts; to correct FONCARD text; and to introduce Resale Solutions Payphone surcharges." The revisions are effective February 18, 1997.

Date Filed: 02/18/97

AT&T filed to increase the Calling Card Service Charge on its 1-800 CALL ATT Promotion No. 1 in its Message Telecommunications Service tariff. The revision is effective February 19, 1997.

Date Filed: 02/18/97

Sprint Communications Company L.P. filed to increase Sprint Sense Operator Services Off-Peak usage rate and to decrease Sprint Sense Operator Services Peak usage rate. The revisions are effective February 21, 1997.

Date Filed: 02/20/97

AT&T filed to offer a $300.00 coupon to participating customers of its SDN/VTNS IntraLATA Coupon Promotion. The offering is effective February 21, 1997.

Date Filed: 02/20/97

Important Notice: The Commission is compiling a list of internet addresses. If you have an internet address please notify the Commission by: E-mailing it to Terry Norum at: Faxing the address to the Commission at: 605-773-3809