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South Dakota Public Utilities Commission
For the Period January 24, 2013, through January 30, 2013

Click the link on each docket number to view the complete docket.


TC13-009     In the Matter of the Filing by FiberComm, L.C. for Approval of Revisions to its Access Services Tariff No. 2 (VoIP)

Staff Analyst:  David Jacobson
Staff Attorney:  Kristen Edwards
Date Filed:  01/24/13
Intervention Deadline:  02/15/13

TC13-010     In the Matter of the Approval of an Intercarrier Compensation Bill and Keep Amendment to an Interconnection Agreement between Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless; Cellular Inc. Network Corporation dba Verizon Wireless; Cellular, Inc. Financial Corporation dba Verizon Wireless; Midwest Wireless Communications, LLC dba Verizon Wireless; Rural Cellular Corporation dba Verizon Wireless; Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC dba Verizon Wireless; WWC Holding Co., Inc. dba Verizon Wireless and Fort Randall Telephone Company

Staff Analyst:  Patrick Steffensen
Staff Attorney:  Karen Cremer
Date Filed:  01/29/13
Initial Comments Due:  02/19/13

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