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South Dakota Public Utilities Commission
For the Period February 14, 2013, through February 20, 2013

Copies of these items can be found on the PUC website at

Click the link on each docket number to view the complete docket.


EL13-004     In The Matter of the Request for a Declaratory Ruling Regarding the Electric Service Territory Boundary Between Charles Mix Electric Association, Inc. and Northwestern Corporation dba Northwestern Energy

Staff Analyst:  Matthew Tysdal
Staff Attorney:  Kristen Edwards
Date Filed:  02/14/13
Intervention Deadline:  03/08/13

EL13-005     In the Matter of the Joint Request for an Electric Service Territory Boundary Change between Black Hills Power, Inc., and Black Hills Electric Cooperative, Inc.

Staff Analyst:  Matthew Tysdal
Staff Attorney:  Kristen Edwards
Date Filed:  02/15/13
Intervention Deadline:  03/08/13

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